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Tales from the Envirohood
What is the one green deed that you want to see heeded, adopted, and passed on? Why? That was the question I posed to others from 2014 to 2017 that became the basis for my first book. Their answers were as diverse as I could have imagined--each of equal merit and thoughtfulness. That is the thing about climate change: it has so many negative side effects. We often see only in the present, which may be why we think of floods and droughts in our cities as examples of harsh consequences. And they are. But I see the periphery of climate change consequences and that means none of us are immune from climate change. So, for this first blog, I challenge you all to come up with a green deed that you have identified as a critical factor in combatting this global crisis. What can you do in your line of work to make a difference? Who can you reach out to as a means of making an impact? What is your relationship to nature? Can you make a small gesture that would inspire others to become better environmental stewards? Do you get dismayed because you see others not showing concern for the future of a healthy planet?
Communicating is one of the single most important measures in instigating positive change. On a larger scale, global accords bring nations together. We have to rely on governments certainly but also the voices of all Earth's inhabitants to lead us on a stable ecological path. I find inspiration in the actions of others. After twenty years of active environmentalism, I still get inspired. But let's not fool ourselves--we're on a dangerous path. Best get going on it now.